Mother of Mystics

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One of the tenants of Spiritual Praxis that I teach to my students, clients, and mentees is the importance of being your own oracle.


The importance of developing our personal relationships to divination and spiritual communication. Developing relationship to our methods and tools - like tarot, oracle cards, automatic writing, direct channeling, etc.


I want to encourage practitioners to see that they are sovereign beings, that they themselves are the temple, and that no one stands between them and their Good Spirits.


There are those times, however, when we need help. When we need to seek out the guidance of an elder, mentor, or teacher.

This doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of knowing our spirits on our own.


It just means we aren’t born knowing everything.


Does the seed water themselves once they are planted in the soil? Or do they look to (and trust in) the gardener's hands to pour water over them?


While it is the seed's solitary journey that takes them from simple seed to roots under the soil, to seedling sprouting above - it is the assistance of the wise gardener and their knowledge of how much water and sun the seed needs to grow that assists sweet seed on their journey.


There are certain tech and tools that we can only learn from those who came before us.


There are certain spirits we can only sincerely connect with through their initiates and very specific divination styles.


There are certain spiritual attachments or maladies that we cannot see or reach on our own, but require the assistance of another to address well.


Espiritismo is a practice that has been passed down through oral tradition. Though there are a few books, blogs, and academic papers out there on the subject, the truth is that we need elders, mentors, and teachers, to share their experiences and understandings with us. To share their allegories and stories with us. Through these special relationships with those who offer us guidance that we get to know our spirits in ways that we would not have had access to on our own.


When the Seek Guidance card appears, it is time to open yourself up to support beyond your altar and your personal scope of knowledge. To honor your spirits by allowing them to speak to you through those who came before you.


The eternal chain of oral tradition in spiritualities like Espiritismo is what connects us to the earliest of ancestors, and what separates these practices from bogus New Age theory.


It is the eternal chain of oral tradition in spiritualities like Espiritismo that humbles us in the most beautiful of ways. Cult leaders and New Agers oft claim to know all of the secrets of life - and to be the solitary prophets of this knowledge. What narcissism!


The eternal chain of oral tradition reminds us that no human knows all. That the passing of wisdom and ritual from generation to generation is humankind’s endless journey of discovering and understanding.


To seek guidance of the elders, mentors, and teachers does not signify weakness. It shows the hunger for knowledge, wisdom, and the deepening of our relationships to our Good Spirits.



Offerings Oracle is a 33 card full color sacred tool for divining the desires of our Good Spirits.


The Kickstarter for Offerings Oracle begins on Tuesday, February 28th. Learn more about the project here, and sign up to be notified once the campaign is launched.


Thank you so much for your support!!