

& Spiritual


A gentle exorcism is the removal of attached turbulent, troublesome entities through trance mediumship.

Spiritual clearings are the removal of spiritual attacks, uncrossing hexes or curses, and releasing cords & psychic attachments.

As psychically, emotionally, spiritually sensitive sentient beings, we often take on the energies (and entities) of the places we move through, the people we interact with, the startling situations we experience, past lives, past relationships, or misaligned energy intentionally directed at us. Even with a dedicated protection and cleansing practice, it’s entirely possible for anyone to take on a turbulent spirit.

Turbulent spirits exist on a spectrum of irritability and challenging behavior. Most difficult spirits simply desire acknowledgement, prayers and guidance. Through this ritual, we offer spiritual clearing you to and spiritual assistance to the intrusive entities attracted to you.

We begin by leading you into a gentle, meditative state. As you sit or lay down peacefully, Kaitlyn exorcises the intrusive entities through the channeling of their Spirit Guides dedicated to this work.

Do I need an exorcism?

Typically, attack by entities or spirits does not come out of the blue. Symptoms become present, or as Dion Fortune says “an approaching occult influence casts their shadow on consciousness before it makes itself apparent.”

Many symptoms of spiritual attack or haunting intersect with symptoms of very earthly experiences, experiences that can be explained or understood by modern and/or holistic or ancestral medicine practices for mental and physical health. This is why identifying a spiritual attack or haunting can be tricky, especially if we are inexperienced or not naturally inclined to notice these otherworldly forces.

As a fourth-generation Espiritista, it is my life’s work and my speciality to divine whether or not a spiritual attack or haunting is truly present, whether or not an exorcism is the appropriate remediation, and whether or not I am the appropriate practitioner to do the job for you.

do i need a spiritual clearing?

While exorcisms focus on the removal of entities or spirit attachments, spiritual clearings focus on the removal of spiritual afflictions sent by the hands of the living.

Curses, hexes, or spiritual attacks sent by the living can be sent to the afflicted directly, or they can be inherited from past lives or from our ancestors.

Spiritual clearings remove the spiritual, emotional, and physical effects of the spiritual affliction, and remove any psychic or spiritual access or connections the sender of the affliction may have to the afflicted.

Spiritual clearings are deeper than a cord cutting; rather than clipping the cord that connects you to another, we uproot the cord entirely, removing the connection immediately and effectively.

Symptoms of Spiritual Attachment or Attack can look like:

  • frequent, consistent unpleasant, disturbing, or frightening dreams

  • a feeling of weight on the chest while sleeping or in the threshold of sleep

  • lingering feeling of fear and/or oppression looming near

  • anxious exhaustion

  • foul odors present in certain places

  • inexplicable foot prints, knocking, or outbreaks of fire

  • prolonged illness (mental or physical) that cannot be explained despite exhausting all medical analysis, including deep depression, addiction, or physical chronic illnesses

  • feelings of illness, discomfort, or deep depression that are only present in a particular location but alleviate once away from that space

  • feelings of attempted kidnapping by unseen or incorporeal forces

  • feelings of abuse by unseen or incorporeal forces

  • signs of abuse: bruises, lacerations, etc, that cannot be logically or practically explained

  • susto or soul loss during or after a traumatic or deeply frightening or disturbing experience

exorcisms & spiritual clearings are not for everyone

To protect the integrity and sanctity of this work, exorcisms and spiritual clearings are not offered freely to anyone who feels they need it.

Clients may book a 25 minute consultation, in which we determine, through channeling and divination: (a) whether or not a haunting or spiritual attachment or attack, (b) whether or not exorcism or spiritual clearing is the appropriate remediation, and (c) whether or not I am the appropriate practitioner for your unique situation.

If working with me and my spirits is deemed appropriate, I will provide booking information for your exorcism rites or spiritual clearing ceremony..

book your consultation