Into the Veil


Capitalism may be crumbling, but our Mother Earth Lives On. The World needs you to live your dreams and destiny, my love. Your Good Spirits show you how.

Belonging is a Beautiful Thing.

In living in communion with our Spirit Guides and Ancestors wise and well, we cultivate the sense of belonging that so many of us long for in this individualist-focused world.

So many New Age books, teachers, coaches and classes promise to connect you with your Good Spirits. But you’re ready for something more.

Espiritismo Cruzao offers you the missing piece: authentic, ancestrally guided spirituality and mediumship.

An oral tradition, Espiritismo was created to be learned through the passing of information from generation to generation.

Through Into the Veil, Kaitlyn creates the sacred space for the awakening of your spiritual gifts. Into the Veil is a jumpstart to living in communion with the spirit realms, creating devotion in a daily lives, connecting to the divinity within, activating our psychic and mediumship abilities, and receiving the guidance of the Good Spirits who support us.

So, what’s Espiritismo?

Espiritismo Cruzao is an “open” spiritual tradition birthed in the Caribbean, born from the crossing of Kardekian Spiritism, African & Indigenous Spiritual Practices, and folk Catholicism.

To put it very simply, Espiritismo is the belief that spirits, gods, and other incorporeal entities have influence over the mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health of the living - for better or for worse.

Through the practices of Espiritismo, we the living begin to commune and communicate with the spirits. We cultivate real relationships with the spirits who support us and protect us in our spiritual, ethical, and earthly advancement.

“Kaitlyn has a level of authenticity that is a joy to witness and experience. Kaitlyn holds the container of their classes with such a deep caring energy. No matter the fear, the story, the limiting belief, Kaitlyn holds space and nurtures these spaces with calm and validation rather than minimizing. I am so grateful I was recommended their Into the Veil class - it is HIGHLY content rich, entirely worth e v e r y penny.”

-Sage DeLucia

Into the Veil: A Spiritual Institution

What does it mean to have hosted Into the Veil 20 times? To have been witnessed by over 250 pairs of eyes and ears?

Well, it means a few things:

  1. No two ITVs are alike. As someone who lives and breathes intentional communion with spirit every single day, my beliefs and practices are fluid and ever-evolving. As what I understand shifts and grows, so does the content for the program. The structure continues to become more refined. The meditations deepen in their potency. The messages from the Good Spirits have specificity unique to the students gathered to receive them. This is why I offer alumni access to all future offerings of Into the Veil, free of charge.

  2. You're learning from someone who actually does the things. You are learning from the ancestral wisdom that has been protected and passed down to me. You are learning from the lived experiences of a committed Espiritista - the frustrations and doubts, the complexity of diasporic identities, the Blessings and Grace.

  3. TBH, I'm pretty f*cking great at what I do. Maybe it's the fun Solar Gemini-talk-with-your-hands-manic-pixie-energy. Maybe it's that Cancer Rising intense-extended-eye-contact that cradles you like a lil spirit baby.
    I think it's because I intentionally share ancestral spiritual knowledge and wisdom in a way that is accessible to my fellow proletariat.

What I share isn't for the elite, the few who already “have it all" - though those born into this privilege certainly are welcome to learn something from the Good Spirits I walk with.

Espiritismo is a spiritual science of the people. Especially the ones who feel forgotten, lost, unheard. It is an invitation to believe that you are divine, you are important, you are blessed, you are protected, you are worthy of thriving in this lifetime.

Capitalism may be crumbling, but our Mother Earth Lives On. The World needs you to live your dreams and destiny, my love. Your Good Spirits show you how.

“Kaitlyn’s queer identity speaks to me in a way that not all practitioners can. Their conscious use of language and acknowledgement of Christianity’s harm doesn’t dismiss the harm we all have endured. Kaitlyn’s identity intersections makes them very relatable and their personality make them feel very approachable. Kaitlyn is not only gifted in their connection to Spirit, guides and ancestors, but to us, the living, as well.”



  • expansion of your unique spiritual gifts, including (though not limited to) psychic-mediumship

  • development of supportive spiritual disciplines, rituals, and routines within well-rooted ancestral practices rather than baseless New Age theory

  • the blessings, comfort, and clarity that come with knowing your Spirit Guides intimately

  • to be suprised by the ways your spiritual disciplines enhance not only your psychic and mediumship abilities, but bring greater ease to your everyday life

  • breaking through spiritual and creative blocks, feeling empowered and excited for the present and the future

  • confidence in your ability to commune with and receive messages from your Good Spirits

  • trust in your ability to make good, supportive choices toward your passions, dreams, and desires

  • restoration and strengthening of your connection to a Higher Power, faith in yourself and the Spirits who walk with you, and hope for a better present and future

what you will learn

  • the history of Espiritismo Cruzao, it’s Indigenous, African, European, and folk Catholic roots

  • how to identify the types of spirits we encounter, the ways Spirit(s) communicate with us, and the different types of mediumship

  • understand who spirit guides are and how to nurture a relationship with our own

  • meet your spirits through multiple guided trance journeys; strengthen your clairvoyance through these journeys

  • learn to decipher spirit communication from our internal voice, our anxieties, and our conditioning

  • learn how to build and maintain a boveda (spiritist altar) and ancestral altar,

  • discover the magic that each item on our altars hold

  • develop strong spiritual foundations through performing limpia rites, grounding techniques, and protection practices, from the routine to the ceremonial

  • develop spiritual practices and disciplines that support you and change with you throughout your seasons of growth

  • petitioning the spirits, spiritual spellcasting, and building shrines and altars around spells

  • learn the fundamentals of an ancestral veneration practice

  • develop personal ethics of spiritual praxis

Throughout the Mentorship, Kaitlyn Facilitates:

  • eight highly-informative, nuanced, academic-style lectures and group discussions

  • eight guided trance journeys to connect you directly to your Good Spirits

  • provides detailed worksheets in Notion, including lesson notes, tarot spreads, journaling prompts, psychic exercises, bonus resources, and more

  • monthly Group Office Hours where students can receive support and channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits

  • Discord server for students to share their experiences in between classes. This space helps students to remain accountable to their practices, to connect over their experiences, and to ask Kaitlyn questions outside of class time

“Taking Kaitlyn’s “Into the Veil,” has been an absolute blessing to my life. Kaitlyn is a generous and talented teacher who creates a safe container for those fortunate enough to learn from them.”

— Kim Brown

“Kaitlyn’s warm & welcoming presence made listening and understanding the information extraordinary smooth and uplifting. It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.”

— River Bartlett

“Kaitlyn opened my eyes to a part of me I always knew existed but was afraid to accept. They opened that door for me and eased me into my world of endless possibilities. I won’t lie, I was scared and nervous, but Kaitlyn has been there for me every step of the way”

— Stephanie R.


Lectures & Guided Trance Journeys are live at 6pm PST every other Wednesday; replays posted within 7 days.

Time doesn’t work for you? No problem - replays and content are available on Podia to access on your schedule. You will still receive the full benefit of what this group mentorship has to offer.

Group Office Hours are live at 10am PST one Thursday per month.

Class is in recess from June through August for integration and rest.


Into the Veil I - Spring Session
Class Schedule

  • Lesson 101 - Lecture

    • An introduction to Espiritismo Cruzao

    • Foundations of responsible spirit work

  • Guided Trance Journey 01 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

  • Lesson 102 - Lecture

    • A history of Espiritismo Cruzao

    • The Boveda and the Spiritist Altar

    • Spirits Who Approach the Altar

    • Invocation Writing Exercise

  • Guided Trance Journey 02 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

  • Lesson 103- Lecture

    • Who Spirit Guides are and how to nurture a relationship with yours

    • How spirit speaks to us and moves through us

    • The Clairs and other methods of communication with spirits

    • Tools and exercises for psychic and mediumship development

  • Guided Trance Journey 03 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

  • Lesson 104 - Lecture

    • A Modern Practitioner’s Approach to Why We Practice Espiritismo Cruzao

  • Guided Trance Journey 04 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

Into the Veil II - Fall Session
Class Schedule

  • Lesson 201 - Lecture

    • Ethics of Spiritual Praxis

    • Analysis of Kardec's doctrine of spirits

  • Guided Trance Journey 05 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

  • Lesson 202 - Lecture

    • Ancestral Altars and Veneration

    • Elevation and spiritual remediation for the healing of ancestral patterns

  • Guided Trance Journey 06 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

  • Lesson 203 - Lecture

    • Working the boveda: how the glasses assist you, your spirits, and your spells

    • Petitioning the spirits

      • Offerings vs Sacrifices (why you need both)

      • Intention, energy, vibration

      • Petition papers

    • Creating Altars for Intentions and Spells

  • Guided Trance Journey 07 and Class Discussion

  • Lesson 204 - Lecture

    • Types of Spirits we Encounter:

      • Levels of Spirits

      • Legions and Archetypes of Spirits

      • The fluidity of the spirits

  • Guided Trance Journey 08 and Class Discussion

  • Group Office Hours

When you enroll as a student for Into the Veil, you receive:

  • 8 live lecture classes and 8 live guided trance journeys across the span of one year

  • Captioned replays available on personal dashboards within 7 days of class

  • Lectures consist of knowledge share and community discussion

  • Live guided trance journeys connect students to the astral and spiritual realms, where they will meet and commune with their spirit guides. After the journey is complete, students have time for integration, reflection, and discussion before class is dismissed. Replays will be posted for students who cannot attend live.

  • Lectures are accompanied by companion worksheets. Worksheets are packed full of different supplemental materials, including:

    • channeled audio messages from the Spirits

    • weekly homework assignments

    • audio guided trance journeys and meditations

    • meditation and ritual playlists on Spotify

    • Indexes of Crystal, Herbal, Color, and Other Magical and Spiritual Correspondences

    • Original prayers by Kaitlyn and curated collections of prayers and invocations

    • Original tarot spreads by Kaitlyn

    • Spell and ritual guides

    • Additional resources, articles, eBooks, podcasts, and more!

  • Discord check-in chats, where we discuss the lessons and supplemental materials and Kaitlyn answers your questions for the duration of the program

  • Forever access to course content & all future offerings of ITV

“My relationship with my guides has grown so much because of Into the Veil. I now have space dedicated to my Goddesses, angels, protectors, my spirit team.”
— S.R.
“I am so grateful to Kaitlyn for sharing wisdom of the ages with me and for broadening my perspective on multi-dimensional connections to Spirit.”
— Freda Raitelu

Group Mentorship

The energetic investment for Into the Veil is $3000 for a full year’s tuition. Payment plans are available.

It is a sacred sacrifice to commit to your spiritual development, and elders and teachers should be compensated for the knowledge and experience that grants their students access to ancestrally-rooted spiritual traditions. It is not unusual for spiritual practitioners looking to work under a mentor or initiate into a tradition to ask others for financial support, be it through family members, friends, crowdsourcing, or otherwise.

This mentorship is an investment in your spiritual education and expansion.

With that said, if you do not have access to the financial resources on your own or with the help of community, and paying for ITV out of pocket would cause you financial hardship, we ask that you do not enroll at this time, and revisit ITV when it makes more sense for you financially.

  • Pay the complete tuition balance of $3000 upon enrollment and receive a full year of Moonshadows Community for free.

    Enroll Now.

  • Two monthly payments of $1500. First payment due upon enrollment.

    Enroll Now

  • Four consecutive monthly payments if $750. First payment due upon enrollment.

    Enroll Now.

  • Six consecutive monthly payments of $500. First payment due upon enrollment.

    Enroll Now.

  • Ten consecutive monthly payments of $300. First payment due upon enrollment.

    Enroll Now.

  • Twenty consecutive monthly payments of $150. First payment due upon enrollment.

    Enroll Now

frequently asked questions


  • Into the Veil centers BIPOC, especially LGBTQIA+ BIPOC.

    Non-POC students are welcome, as this practice can connect anyone with their Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and living a life in alignment for the Greater Good of All Creation.

    Misogynoir, anti-Blackness, and Transphobia are not tolerated in this space.

  • All classes, guided trance journeys, and office hour sessions are recorded and posted to Podia. If you are unable to attend live, you can still receive the full benefits of the program by watching course content on your own and participating in our Discord group.

  • Scholarships are not available for ITV 2024.

    It is a sacred sacrifice to commit to your spiritual development, and elders and teachers should be compensated for the knowledge and experience that grants their students access to ancestrally-rooted spiritual traditions. It is not unusual for spiritual practitioners looking to work under a mentor or initiate into a tradition to ask others for financial support, be it through family members, friends, crowdsourcing, or otherwise.

    This mentorship is an investment in your spiritual education and expansion.

    With that said, if you do not have access to the financial resources on your own or with the help of community, and paying for ITV out of pocket would cause you financial hardship, we ask that you do not enroll at this time, and revisit ITV when it makes more sense for you financially.




“I so loved Into the Veil. Getting to be part of that container of people with completely different backgrounds and relationships with spirit was so affirming and eye opening. I was literally vibrating with the energy through the session and afterwards. I LOVED getting to hear everyone's messages and witness how diverse our paths and spirits are. The message I received was validating and still sits with me as I continue to get comfortable with my spirits and my ability to perceive them.

The workshop really helped me to more fully understand the importance of regular cleansing, protection, and grounding. I was a bit familiar before the workshop, but none of the other teachers I'd come across ever explained why those things were vital to spiritual work and developing our connection. Getting so many examples of rituals or practices was great, too, because experimentation is so important to my practices. I was able to try things on, feel into what was working for me, and then mix and match to make something more true to me.

The shift I've noticed is that I now understand that my practices, the ways I engage with my spirits, and the prayers I speak to them don't have to be dictated by what others do. It was really freeing to realize that I don't just have to recite a prayer that makes me gag in order to connect with a spirit or deity. I can create my own thing that feels good and aligned.”

-Brit Star, The Inner Well, Sword + Stone

“Taking ITV with Kaitlyn is one of the most impactful experiences I have had on my spiritual journey. Kaitlyn's knowledge sharing and support is invaluable and I am grateful every day that I took this course. There are so many tangible ways of growing from this class (through the meditations, tarot spreads, worksheets, office hours, etc.) and I return weekly to the notes that I took during ITV because I am always gaining new perspective from them. But my favorite parts were all of the intangible, difficult to explain ways I have grown as a result of ITV. It's why I've been hesitant to discuss my experience - I'm still learning how to encapsulate just everything this experience meant to me. All I can say is with my whole heart I recommend this course to anyone who is looking to deepen their practice and their relationship with their guides. I am so glad I did!”

-Madi, Bloom with Madi

“Into the Veil was a jam-packed learning and growing experience. I gained so much knowledge on espiritismo and what I felt were foundational building blocks that I could use to shape my personal practice and connect with my spirit team. I'm grateful for the channeled letter and the message that came through as I'm still unraveling it all. Working with Kaitlyn has been an eye opening experience and definitely set me on a path of spiritual growth. If you are in a space where you feel disconnected from your spirits and want to participate in a container that will nourish you and give you the tools to break through your own blocks while also boosting your confidence, this is for you.”


“Where do I start? A strong foundation is the key to harmonious, fruitful, spiritual connection. Through ITV parts 1 and 2, I was able to learn from Kaitlyn’s course content and my application and completion of the assignments. The assignments, tips, and suggestions have helped me to strengthen not only my protection practices but to continue nurturing my relationships with the benevolent spirits that surround me, in measurable ways. One of the best things is the ability to keep the class (virtual) notebooks for future reference (which I’ve been referring to daily). I can’t even put into words how valuable this experience has been to my overall practice and growth as a spiritist. I’m looking forward to attending future workshops and programs offered by Spirit Garden Tarot. Kaitlyn is truly a gem. Their radiance permeates all of their work, a literal being of light.”

-Quani Lu

"I have had the gift and opportunity to learn from Kaitlyn several times. I have taken both Into The Veil 1 and 2. They really care about the information they give in class. Whether it be from their research or channeling. It always improves my own practice and deepens my understanding of the actions I take and why. I always leave a more fulfilled person and more informed practitioner . I don't know that one could ask for anything more.”

-Ashley Irvin, Lotus Love & Truth

“From that first Into the Veil workshop, I felt drawn to their practice and their presence. Every session that I've had with Kaitlyn has helped me tap into my OWN magic, my own spiritual prowess. One of my spirit guides, s/o Rosalinda, asked that I get cards and add them to my practice. So, I did -- something I never saw myself doing, but I absolutely love it! It helps me slow down, think through, find clarity in a way I never have before. There are all these "gems", as I like to call them, that have come out of ITV guided meditations that have stuck with me and made it up onto my quote wall. The most useful, beautiful, necessary, amazing thing that I have received from the experiences I've had in these ITV workshops is a moment to connect with myself, which directly connects to the divine. And for that, I'm grateful.”


“I took Into the Veil in Oct 2020, and honestly it was THE most memorable spiritual workshop I've ever taken. Months later, I'm still processing the many gems Kaitlyn helped me find. The wealth of info they shared about working with spirit in general has enhanced my daily routines, and the message they channeled for me specifically was exactly what I needed. I was deeply moved by the accuracy of my channeled message. I can be a skeptic sometimes, but it didn't take long at all for me to have full confidence that Kaitlyn is one of the realest practitioners out there. They took such good care of every single person in the course. My sense of what is possible in terms of spirit communication has been expanded in the best possible way. The guide they introduced me to has been showing up for me regularly, and I couldn't be more grateful to Kaitlyn for helping me initiate what has become such a deeply fulfilling relationship with this spirit. <3”

"Into the Veil is sacred container, it was truly a gift to be a part of it! be present and open. make time to engage with your spirits, with the material. You’ll be given plenty of tools to practice and integrate for years to come. Ask questions. If you are feeling called or curious- answer the call!”


Don’t Miss It!

Enrollment for the 2025 offering of Into the Veil opens in October. Space is limited, so be sure to get on the waitlist. You’ll be the first to know when doors open.