offerings oracle deck


offerings oracle deck 🔥

Our desire to give gifts and offerings from our hearts, gifts and offerings that are truly needed and wanted by our spirits, is a part of this.

In my desire to assist folks who are struggling to understand what offerings their Good Spirits desire, I channeled the Offerings Oracle Deck.

On September 7th of 2022, while the Moon in Aquarius was trine Mercury and Jupiter, I channeled the seed of the Offerings Oracle. 

During a fiery ritual of the last New Moon of 2022, I channeled the wisdom that was to be poured into each card. And finally as the year closed, guided by my spirits of creativity and beauty, I completed the beautiful collage artwork.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you the Offerings Oracle Deck. A vessel crafted to deepen your connection with your Spirits Wise and Well through the loving ritual of offerings.

“How do I know what offerings to leave for my Good Spirits?”

I think it’s tender and sweet that one of the first things my clients are inspired to do upon meeting their Spirits is to leave them gifts and offerings.

My teachings on communion with Spirit centers around building reciprocal, intentional relationships with our spirits and guides. 

Our relationship with our Good Spirits serves as a blueprint for how we relate to ourselves, to other people, to our communities, and to our planet.

offerings oracle is for everyone

One of the many things I love about Offerings Oracle is how accessible it makes communicating with your Good Spirits.

You do not need to be an experienced diviner or medium to have real conversations with your Spirits through these cards.

All you need is a willingness to receive their messages, and the deck of course!

This deck is also supportive of seasoned diviners and mediums.

It enriches the conversations with the Spirits that you would be having already.

The deck itself makes a beautiful offering to your spirits. Dedicate the deck to your spirits, set it on the altar, and you will notice a shift in the clarity of the messages you receive from them. You will notice their excitement over your desire to know who they are better, rather than just focusing on what they can do for you.

The Deck

This deck consists of 33 full color, collage-art cards, guidebook, and collectors quality two-piece box. The artwork is bold, beautiful, and engaging. Each card is intended to spark your imagination and intuition and deepen your intimacy with the Good Spirits who surround you.


33 cards

Size - 3.75 x 4.75 (tarot size, making them easy to hold and shuffle)

Printed on gorgeous, sturdy 450gm matte cardstock

Gold holographic foil on the backs and edge

Keepsake box with magnetic closure

About the creator

My name is Kaitlyn Graña and I am the Mother of Mystics. I am a fourth-generation Espiritista, trance medium, and occult educator.

In Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer says "the most important thing each of us can know if our own unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can she shared with others."

As such, I share with my children and my community the tools, the anecdotes, the information, the wisdom I channel through the Spirits and my experiences with them, so that they may cultivate relationships with their own spirits and guides.

Though, what I am realizing at this stage in my practice, is that I offer something more beyond just information.

I turn a light on within people.

I'm not claiming ownership or responsibility for the transformations you make for yourself while building relationship with spirits... that's all you!!

It is impossible to deny that something happens when I hold space. Whether it's a group setting, one on one in a Spiritual Consultation, or via the messages I share in my emails.

Energies shift. Portals open. Parts of people that have laid dormant become active, illuminated.

I don't know what it's called. I'm not entirely sure what it is.

But I know that it is my pleasure, my calling, and my vocation. It is a gift from spirit that was given to me to be shared. Was given to be gifted to others.

I know that Offerings Oracle is an extension of this gift. It’s not just a deck of cards. It’s a portal. An invitation for deeper intimacy with the Good Guardians and Guides who surround you. Who, by deepening your relationship with them, have the power to guide you to the choices and opportunities that will change your life for the better. To make the dreams that felt far out of reach become tangible and true.

your support has made this possible

We did it!!

Thanks to your support on the
Kickstarter Campaign, Offerings Oracle is coming to life!

Thank you to everyone who contributed, who shared on social media, with their email lists, via word of mouth.

Offerings Oracle is availabl in person and online at Milk Thistle Yucca Valley.

Interested in carrying Offerings Oracle in your store? Email for wholesale inquiries.