the care and keeping of your lineage


the care and keeping of your lineage 🌹

Ancestral Elevation

is Our Earthly


Interest in Ancestral Veneration is booming these days - and that’s a good thing IMHO.

Our ancestors are our strongest line of spiritual defense. Our ancestors are often the most fervent fulfiller of our petitions and prayers.

But, what if we don’t know where or how to begin building relationships with our dearly departed?

What if we aren’t even sure who our ancestors are?

What if we the ancestors we know of don’t have values or behaviors that align with our own understandings and moral compass?

Enter The Care and Keeping of Your Lineage

I put together packge of my most beloved resources on ancestral veneration so that you have the tools and support to feel confident in beginning and enriching your spiritual journey with your ancestors.

What’s Included

Ancestral Veneration 101 eBook

Ancestral veneration, as I understand it, isn't the worship of the dead. It is living in communion with them. It is learning from the past to inform how we make choices in the present. It is restoring our connections to our ancestral homelands, cultures, spiritualities, and way of living and discovering ways to appropriately incorporate our findings into our current way of life.

In the Ancestral Veneration 101 eBook, Kaitlyn guides you to developing and discerning your own authentic ancestral veneration practice.

In this eBook, you will learn:

  • The Stages of Ancestral Work

  • How to Build and Tend to an Ancestral Altar

  • How to Begin Connecting With Your Ancestors through the Mystic and the Mundane

  • How to Perform Ancestral Elevation Rites

  • The Importance of Commitment to Ancestral Veneration

Vaya con Dios Workshop


  • Fundamentals of Ancestral Veneration

  • Reconciliation of Land and Lineage through Ceremony and Action

  • How to identify an ancestor in need of elevation rites

  • How to prepare for and perform successful elevation rites

What I see missing most from the conversation on Ancestral Veneration is the very necessary spiritual rite of Ancestor Elevation.

Ancestral elevation is a spiritual practice in which our prayers assist the souls of the departed in moving forward from their earthly attachments and sufferings.

Espiritismo teaches us that the spirits have influence over the living (and vice versa), for better or for worse.

We all have ancestors we don’t prefer. We all have ancestors we don’t like, don’t agree with, and wouldn’t really want to invite to our altars and tables.

While it is tempting to just say “fuck it” and ignore those ancestors entirely, the truth is that without our influence to change, these ancestral spirits will continue influencing the living in their harmful ways.

Why is that your problem, you ask? Bc it’s ignoring the past that continues to make mess for us in the present, and take hope away from the future.

I, personally, want to be a good ancestor. I want the generations after me to look back and think “wow, Kaitlyn really tried to make life better for themselves, their children, their community, and for us.” I want the inheritance of my future generations to be altruism, gentleness, compassion, generosity, self-love, self-confidence, and care. That starts not only with my actions now, but with doing the spiritual remediations to help heal the ancestors of my lineage who would stand in the way of this goal.

I could pretend they don’t exist. Denounce them. But I can never distance myself from my own blood. From my DNA. No matter how hard I try, their influence will always be present. So, like a good gardner, I tend to the soil I was grown from. And I do this by turning to ancestral elevation rites.

There are infinite reasons why the souls of our ancestors may remain tethered to their earthly existences. Whatever the reason may be, ancestral elevation offers them the assistance, healing, and grace they need and deserve to break into higher levels of consciousness, to rest joyfully in their ancestral paradise, and to influence the living in kindness and compassion rather than destruction and pain.

Ancestral Guided Journey

  • a profound guided journey connecting you directly to your Ancestors Wise & Well

  • receive their companionship, guidance, and support

  • receive the comfort of knowing they are present with you through this life


  • helpful prayers for ancestral connection & elevation

  • channeled messages from the Good Spirits to guide you in your ancestral connection