Moon 🌹
Human beings have observed the 13 cycles of Our Grandmother Moon to understand the shifts of the seasons all across Our Mother Earth since the earliest of times.
Though many people and cultures still observe the passing of time by the light of the Moon, Western culture has made the 12 month gregorian calendar (a revision of the earlier Julian calendar) the “standard” for tracking the passing of a year.
The twelve month calendar was an invention of the Roman Empire, a system created by men who saw the world as an opportunity for conquest rather than a living being to live harmoniously with.
By simply looking around, we may see the way Mother Nature is so beautifully synchronized with the cycles of the Moon. Are we, as human beings, not just as much a part of Mother Nature as the trees? The berries? The birds? The bees? The blossoms?
The Moon card invites us to connect with our early ancestors by reconnecting with the cycles of Grandmother Moon.
To see the beauty in the balance of thirteen 28-day cycles. To move slowly with her, mirroring her phases in the ways that we work, rest, and play.
I think that the rejection of the Lunar Calendar by western culture to embrace a solar calendar mimics patriarchal culture’s oppression of non-cis-hetero men.
Embracing the passing of time by the cycles of the Moon is a quiet and personal rebellion. A small but substantial revolutionary act.
The Moon also invites us to embrace our delicious darkness. To savor our secrets under her silvery glow. To enjoy being equal parts dark and light.
When this card appears, the Good Spirits invite you to commune with them under our Grandmother Moon. To place a Lunar Calendar near our altars. To give thanks to the Spirit of the Moon and to our Maternal Spirits.