“How much should I rely on tarot readings?”

Over the next few weeks, I'm answering your questions about the tarot. 


“How much should I rely on tarot readings?”


One of the most important things for me as a practitioner is empowering my clients to make confident decisions on their own, when they are away from my table.


Whether you are reading for yourself or reading for others, tarot is meant to be a tool that helps us to LIVE full lives. Not a crutch that keeps us from making the necessary choices to engage intentionally with our human experience.


Lots of good things can stop being good for us when we are out of right relationship with them.


Coffee in the morning is one of my favorite rituals. It helps me to wake up, to spend intentional time communing with my spirits. Making it, serving it at my altar is the path to my daily gratitude ritual and asking of alms from the Almighties. 

Coffee is something that I’ve also been out of right relationship with. A crutch I leaned on heavily when my life that was supposed to be good felt a lot like drowning. A pot slurped down quickly by myself in the morning while I got ready. A few shots of espresso when I got to the job that I hated. An iced latte at noon with my lunch. Another at 3:45pm to pick me back up from the weed I smoked in my car to make it through the day, so that I could power through those next hours of pretending to send mindless emails followed by sitting in bumper to bumper traffic to get home. My anxiety was at an all time high. I hardly ate because the combination of caffeine and cigarettes suppressed by appetite. Don’t even get me started on how fucked up my sleep was because of it. And despite pumping myself full of caffeine all the livelong day, I was so fucking exhausted.


Drinking coffee isn’t inherently good or bad for me. How I am able to commune with this plant gift is what determines how helpful she is to me.

The same is true with tarot, and all divination really. When we commune with the tarot with reverence and intention, the relationship can be a beautiful one. One that strengthens our intuition, helps us to see ourselves more clearly, encourages us to take the steps required of us to create a beautiful, bountiful life.


Spending too much time with our tarot can take away some of our own agency, though. When we find ourselves unable to put the cards down, referencing them for every question, inconvenience or frustration that crosses our path without giving our inner selves a chance to speak, that’s when a helpful practice can turn into an unhealthy habit.


I think it's also worth noting that if your reliance on tarot is less about you pulling card for yourself, and more about you booking lots of readings - stop!! Relying too much on readers is giving away your own power, your own agency - not to mention can run your pockets dry.


If you find yourself out of right relationship with your tarot practice, take a break. Take a bath. Take a big, deep breath. Remember that you are smart and capable of making good choices all on your own. The tarot didn’t grant you that power, it merely helped you to believe in it.


Your discernment, as always, is key.


Ready to take the next steps in your tarot education? Join me in the Tarot Lab! Registration for Level 1, a psychic-medium's introduction to the tarot, is now open. For details and enrollment, click here.



“How do i know when to stop shuffling?”


Stalker cards ⚡️⚡️