The Truth 🌹✨
I had to have a talk with my 6 year old on Monday afternoon and yesterday morning about taking accountability when we aren’t truthful. They are little, so it’s not like they were untruthful out of malice or manipulation. So of course, we had to get down to what was really going on, which we talked about as well. At the end of that part of the conversation though, mom had to remind them that it’s important to (a) tell the truth when something is going on, so that the adults who can help us are actually able to help us with the *real* problem and (b) be honest with those we were dishonest with so that we can keep the relationship healthy and strong.
It’s a lesson we never stop learning, tbh. Yesterday morning after school drop off, I was focused intently on some important spiritual remediation. Remediation I had to do because I let parts of my discipline slip. I had to take responsibility to my spirits for the parts of my own mess that I contributed to, and do the spiritual labor to deal with it. I could keep ignoring my part in the mess, and pick back up with my spiritual practices like everything is fine and dandy, but that wouldn’t really be a sustainable fix.
Self-accountability is a spiritual practice, and one that shouldn’t be avoided, not matter how uncomfy it may feel.
I think Sanyu Estelle said something along the lines of “once you know better, you’re responsible for doing better.” And isn't that The Truth.