Satiating the Spirit Within 🌹

The Season of the Ancestors is drawing to a close, and now the true spooky season begins!

We enter now into the Season of the Long Nights. The Darling Devil's hours, ruled by the shadows, the cryptids, the spooks, and haunts.

It's an excellent time to re-enchant your protection talismans over your doorways, spiritually seal your windows and mirrors, place a cinnamon broom above your door, blue bottles in your windows, and keep the blue water on your altars inky and full.

If you do not already have protection talismans over your thresholds, consider creating a simple wreath of rosemary or rue, or braiding together three pieces of cord (preferably red or black, or a combination of both). Adding a bell (or a few) can also be a nice touch.

As you craft your talisman, pray for protection over your sacred space. Pray that only the benevolent spirits who walk with you may enter into your domain; that those who cross through the doorway are wise, well, and pure of heart.

As the golden leaves crunch beneath our feet, consider what parts of yourself do you wish to keep you warm as the frost settles in? What parts of yourself are you ready to return to the soil, just as the leaves do?

Take some time at the altar to examine the darkness and demons that lurk within our own bodies and minds. This is a welcome time to release our inner torments and turmoils to the ritual fire, asking the flames to purify our spirits so that we may walk our paths in clarity. Asking the flames to light the way for us through the darkest and longest of nights.

Remember that not all that resides in our darkness is meant to be expelled. Some of our shadows house pleasures yearning to be explored, who have been long hidden from the sun due to shame, fear, or doubt.

Your discernment helps you to determine the nature of what lies beneath.

I leave you with a note from my dear guide Giuseppe, who once wrote:

"There is a wee Devil inside of us all. If we do not put in the effort to satiate them intentionally, the Lord only knows what the Devil inside may do to satiate themselves.”


When the Death Card Knocks


The Truth 🌹✨