Mother of Mystics

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Mijé, you need a limpia

Baños Espirituales, or spiritual baths, are a traditional folk remedy found in Espiritismo, Curandurismo, and many other ancestrally rooted spiritual practices around the world.


Baños espirituales can be prepared for a variety of reasons, the most common being spiritual and energetic cleansing, or limpias.


Preparing and taking a spiritual bath or ritual limpia isn’t always accessible to everyone - energetically, physically, practically.


That is why I, along with Sam, the brilliant creatrix behind Toil + Trbl, created an intentional, powerful, handcrafted limpia soap kit for you to use in the shower.


Each kit comes with 1 bar of Baño Blanco and 1 bar of Superclean limpia soaps.


Baño Blanco

Baño Blanco is a traditional Espiritismo baño, excellent for routine spiritual hygiene. Baño blanco is excellent for cleansing your ori, for easing insomnia, and for cleansing away the emotional and spiritual “muck and guck” we absorb into our energy fields, hair, and body from day to day. The goats milk offers a particularly loving, maternal nature to this baño.




A heavy-hitting baño soap, Superclean draws in the spirits of the crossroads for deep clearing and cleansing. An excellent companion for exorcism, clearing spiritual attachments, releasing psychic hooks, removing psychic and spiritual cords from the root, banishing undesirable attached entities or spirits and psychic vampires, clearing paths, cleansing and strengthening energetic force fields.


Kits are now available in Mother's Mystic Shop