Mother of Mystics

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It’s a Retroguide

Mercury Rx is back babyyy! 

 On August 23, Mercury officially stations retrograde for four weeks (not including that shadow period, whew!).

 Rather fighting against the shift in the current, I invite you to swim (or maybe even float) with the changes this celestial season brings.]

To support you, I've brought back one of my favorite offerings: the Retroguide.

Retroguide is a spirit led approach to Mercury retrograde

This eZine is packed full of channeled wisdom, Mercury Rx advice, and 12 guides tailored to every zodiac sign.

For each sign, you will find messages from the Good Spirits, especially my guía Ava, about the themes of this retrograde through the tarot, recommended spiritual remediation (spells, rituals, practices), and suggested offerings for your guides from Offerings Oracle.

While pop-media tends to sensationalize the hysteria around retrogrades in general, and Mercury retrograde in particular, I’m here to tell you to fear not, my friend.


You can scoop up this digital download right here.


Reminder that my books are now open for a very limited number of Spiritual Consultations for the beginning of 2024. January is now fully booked - be sure to scoop up your Feb or March appointments while you can.


I look forward to holding space for you and your spirits. 



Mother 🌹