“Do you have any tips for beginner tarot readers?”

Over the next few weeks, I'm answering your questions about the tarot. 


“What tips do you have for a beginner reader?”


Congratulations on your new divination journey!


Here are a few tips to help get you started:

  1. Cleanse your new deck. Use, selenite, smoke, or light visualizations to take some time to clear off the energy that it came with. Whether your deck is brand new or second hand, there are many hands that it has passed through before landing in your own.

  2. Once your deck is cleansed, it’s time to season it! touch the cards. shuffle them. pull one card and get familiar with the imagery, the colors. pay attention to what catches your gaze. Keep them in your pocket or purse. keep them under your pillow while you sleep.

  3. Who is the spirit of your deck? Ask the deck who they are and what type of assistance they desire to bring to you. In Tarot Lab Level 1, students receive an awesome tarot spread for getting to know their decks more intimately, recognizing that every deck is a spirit in it’s own right.

  4. Be a student. Read books, read blogs, take courses. My favorite thing about the tarot is that we are all eternal students of it’s magic and mystery. Even now, decades into my practice, I will still take a beginners or intermediate tarot class if the inspiration strikes! There is always something to learn when we engage in other teacher’s and reader’s perspective of the cards.

  5. Commune with your divinatory spirit guides. Ask them their names, develop relationship with them. A strong relationship with the spirits of your craft is a huge key in developing your tarot skills.

  6. Engage in good spiritual hygiene. Develop of a routine of cleansing yourself, your reading area, and your deck. Having a strong foundation in spiritual hygiene helps us to understand our channeled interpretations more clearly.

  7. Practice! whether it’s pulling one card per day or a few cards once a week, be sure to actually use your cards, to commune with your cards. play with them, practice divining with them. The more disciplined you are in engaging with your deck, the greater your results will be. When you are practicing, take a break from your reference materials and give yourself a chance to truly intuit.


Ready to take the next steps in your tarot education? Join me in the Tarot Lab! Registration for Level 1, a psychic-medium's introduction to the tarot, is now open. For details and enrollment, click here.


P.S. Want to submit your tarot question? You can do that here.


Stalker cards ⚡️⚡️


“I had a year-ahead reading that says I’m going to have a bad year. Should I just accept that?”