Mother to all 🌹

My mother, Lisa, prays the rosary every day. So did her mother, Mary, and Mary’s mother, Benedicta.

The first prayers we learned as children were the Blessed Mother’s.

The first prayers I taught my own children were Hers.

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope…

Holy Mary, Mother of God - so many of my ancestors carry Her name: Maria.

Queen of Heaven. Empress of Hell. Protector of and Guide to the Great Mother Spirits of the Land, Waters, and Stars.

Guadalupana. Caridad del Cobre. Fatima. Lourdes. Seven Sorrows. Queen of the Depths.

Mother to All.

My devotion to Mary began at birth, inherited from the mothers and grandmothers of both my maternal and paternal lineages.

Her many apparitions have had a place in my family’s hearts for generations.

While the Catholic Church sought to colonize, convert, and kill, Mother Mary offered my ancestors solace, companionship, protection and a connection to the Old Ways - right under the Church’s nose.

While I work with many different Mother Spirits at my altars, it is this Mother, Miriam, the young Jewish mystic, chosen by the heavens themselves, who sits on every altar.

Through the darkest of my nights, she offered me the protection of her mantle. Kept me alive long enough to reach a place of safety and security. From a place of safety, she gave me permission to dream that life could be more than just secure, but beautiful as well.

I remember standing on 7th and Broadway in the Fashion District in 2016 or 2017 - so angry that the life I worked so hard to keep had turned into my kids being the last ones picked up from after school care, frazzled mornings trying to get them ready and myself ready, hours daily spent in traffic, and long work weeks (and weekends) only to feel like I was barely breaking even. I was spiraling deep into depression and suicidal ideation.

So I stood at that street corner fucking furious that I had stayed alive long enough to settle down, have a family, get sober, only to feel like I was still drowning. Crying, screaming. Until I heard a voice that said “listen to The Mother.”

I called my dad that day and told him that I was hearing spirits. That I felt like I was falling apart.

He gave me the number of a woman who would become my first mentor, a woman who’s mother had blessed my head and jewelry with rum an d cigar smoke when I was a baby and small child.

So I traveled to see Tania, who is a mother herself. I walked into her chapel and was greeted by a life size shrine to Maria Caridad - a shrine she inherited from her mother.

She channeled her mother, Delia, for me that day. Connected me with a few of my guides. And taught me how to build a Boveda.

I went home that night and immediately went into action.

From that moment I never looked back.

Building the Boveda brought Mother Mary, and my many other motherly spirits, like sweet Felicita (my Guia Principal, and a spirit I inherited from my Abuelo) closer to me. Slowly but surely, they taught me how to mother myself. From there, I learned to be a GOOD mother to my children.

From them, I inherited my nurturing spirit - one that I did not know I had. That nurturing spirit that makes my clients and students feel so comfortable and comforted when they sit at my table. That maternal energy that sets me apart from other spiritual practitioners. That maternal energy that lots of queer, neurodivergent, and marginalized folks really need - and that I am so happy to give.

No matter what you bring to your sessions with me, my spirits and I approach you with the tenderness, love, and compassion of a Mother - of the most loving Mothers.

Motherhood is not everyone. It is a huge undertaking, a huge responsibility. It is sleepless nights, and long days of emotional, spiritual, and physical caregiving. It is tending to the hearts and the home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Motherhood is for me, though. Mother is not simply what I am, Mother is who I am.

It is who I am so fucking grateful to be.

And if this is the kind of spiritual support and guidance you need, I welcome you to become a part of my little spiritual family.

Enrollment for Into the Veil: Espiritismo Group Mentorship is open. Join me at the altar; allow me to introduce you to the Divine Mothers who surround you.


Mother as Mentor


The Influence of the Spirits 🌹