Mother of Mystics

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🌹 Good Spirits, Good Ceremony 🌹

A Channeled Message from my Guia Principal, Felicita Buenavide…

August 1: The Magician - “Do not forget the importance of Good Ceremony. If you desire to be of service to others through The Spirits and Their Tools, it is essential that this service begins at the altar. It is essential that this service begins with that which is not (nor should be)seen by others.

"Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation."

Those who desire to be a servant of the Spirits, in Right Relationship to the Land and the People, must develop their discernment as to what is meant to be shared with the crowd, and what is meant to be sacred and secret.

A great disservice has been conditioned into the crowd.

To trust solely based on what is seen rather than what is done, what is understood, what is known.

Those who claim to be of service but lack Right Relationship shall soon find themselves a part of the Tower that crumbles.

Those who engage with the Spirits in Earnest, who deliver the messages of the Good Spirits by destiny - rather than by imitation and foolery - are on the path to rise.

It is never too late to develop honest union with the Altar, the Spirits, and Their Tools.

It is never too late to cultivate alignment with our Creatrix, our Mother Earth, and our Unique Destinies.

Spiritual Servants are not expected to be perfectly pious to do their jobs well. However, we insist that Good Servants of the Spirit must continuously strive to be the Example of Faith and Good Ceremony for the communities they serve. This is the job - above readings and healings - this is the work.”

Felicita's message is an important one - for those who desire to be of service through the spirits and their tools (tarot, oracle, other forms of divination and spiritual healing) to the public, and those who desire to work with a spiritual practitioner.

While the reality of the world today makes it necessary for many of us to have public personas on the internet, to create content for social media. The truth is, the spirits want their good servants to be seen, to be witnessed, to be blessed and well rewarded.

They encourage us to be really intentional in what we share are practitioners.

What is meant to be seen by others, and what is meant to be an intimate moment with your spirits?

Is what you are saying and sharing a reflection of what you are doing and experiencing?

And most importantly:

What work are you committed to away from the camera's lens?

They also ask us to be discerning in what we believe as potential clients, based on what we see on social platforms. Though not an absolute truth, it is not unusual for dazzling aesthetics to lack roots in land, ancestry, and spirit.

Felicita reminds Spiritual Practitioners - whether you have opened up shop yet or are still working to get to that point - that a solid, sustainable foundation to these “businesses” is commitment to the spirits, consistency in our ceremonies, and transparency with our communities.

Following through with what the Good Spirits ask of us is the Work. Committing ourselves and our work to alignment with our destinies is The Road Opener.