Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Guided Trance Journey 08 and Class Discussion

Lesson 204 - Lecture
Lesson 204 - Why We Live in Communion with Spirits
Final Lecture
Zoom Info

Guided Trance Journey 07 and Class Discussion

Lesson 203 - Lecture
Lesson 203 - Working the Boveda
how the glasses assist you, your spirits, and your spells
Petitioning the spirits
Offerings vs Sacrifices (why you need both)
Intention, energy, vibration
Petition papers
Creating Altars for Intentions and Spells
Zoom Info

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Guided Trance Journey 06 and Class Discussion

Lesson 202 - Lecture
Lesson 202 - Types of Spirits We Encounter
Levels of Spirits
Legions and Archetypes of Spirits
The fluidity of the spirits
Zoom Info

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Guided Trance Journey 05 and Class Discussion

Lesson 201 - Lecture
Lesson 201 - Ancestral Altars and Veneration
Ancestral Altars and Veneration
Elevation and spiritual remediation for the healing of ancestral patterns
Zoom Info

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Guided Trance Journey 04 and Class Discussion
Guided Trance Journey 04 and Class Discussion
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 889 9231 0990
Passcode: 405597

Lesson 104 - Lecture
A diasporic Practitioner’s Approach to Why We Practice Espiritismo Cruzao
Spirituality as a tool for radical empathy, love, and politic
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 857 9836 1322

Guided Trance Journey 03 and Class Discussion
Guided Trance Journey 03 and Class Discussion
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 897 8319 3694

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Lesson 103- Lecture
Lesson 103- Lecture
Who Spirit Guides are and how to nurture a relationship with yours
How spirit speaks to us and moves through us
The Clairs and other methods of communication with spirits
Tools and exercises for psychic and mediumship development
Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 841 5140 5484

Guided Trance Journey 02 and Class Discussion
Guided Trance Journey 02 and Class Discussion
Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 821 1685 4777

Group Office Hours
Group Office hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits.
Zoom Info

Lesson 102 - Lecture
Lesson 102 - Lecture
A history of Espiritismo Cruzao
The Boveda and the Spiritist Altar
Spirits Who Approach the Altar
Invocation Writing Exercise
Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 846 0455 4986

Guided Trance Journey 01 and Class Discussion
Guided Trance Journey 01 and Class Discussion
In this meeting, we will not be doing a full trance journey. Instead, we will be learning about the foundations of a trance practice, and building up our toolkit for successful trance mediumship.
Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 818 3445 8272

Group Office Hours
Group Office Hours are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive support, and experience channeled wisdom from Kaitlyn and the Good Spirits
Zoom Info

Lesson 101 - Lecture
Feb 21, 2024: Lesson 101 - Lecture
Foundations of responsible spirit work
Please note there is a 7 minute grace period for all live classes. After the grace period, doors are closed and no new attendees will be admitted. This practice is to protect the spiritual and energetic integrity of the circle.
If you must leave early, please be sure to energetically close the circle on your end.
Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 848 5381 8281

Welcome Party
Welcome to Into the Veil! Let’s gather, introduce ourselves, chat about our goals, and build community.
Zoom Info