ancestral elevation

is our earthly


Ancestral Elevation is

Our Earthly Responsibility

Ancestral Veneration is regaining popularity these days - and that’s a good thing IMHO.

Our ancestors are often our strongest line of spiritual defense. Our ancestors are often the most fervent fulfiller of our petitions and prayers.

What I see missing from the conversation on Ancestral Veneration is the very necessary spiritual rite of Ancestor Elevation.

Ancestral elevation is a spiritual practice in which our prayers assist the souls of the departed in moving forward from their earthly attachments and sufferings.

There are infinite reasons why the souls of our ancestors may remain tethered to their earthly existences. Whatever the reason may be, ancestral elevation offers them the assistance, healing, and grace they need and deserve to break into higher levels of consciousness, to rest joyfully in their ancestral paradise.

Vaya Con Dios teaches the origins and importance of ancestral elevation rites, how to identify when these rites are needed, and with detailed preparation, process, and follow up for completing them. 

For those unfamiliar with the practice, Ancestral Elevation is a multi-day ritual, performed to assist our dearly departed in progressing through whatever pains, sufferings, or attachments that may keep their soul from moving on.

Our earthly experiences can carry over into the afterlife, and keep us from our personal, spiritual growth and evolution. Spirits who are earthbound (trapped amongst the living but without a corporeal body) can continue to influence the living with their problematic beliefs and ideologies. 

Sometimes our spirits are not earthbound, but still need the assistance of the living to ascend to higher realms of spirit. 

Ancestral Elevation is how the living can assist the dead in working through whatever may be holding them back from their ascensions.

In this workshop, we review the ins and outs of ancestral elevation rituals. We talk about why this practice is an important part of our regular spiritual habits, and learn how to craft a ritual that is authentic to ourselves.  

Practitioners of any and all backgrounds are welcome to receive from this offering.

Vaya Con Dios

This course is available on demand for immediate viewing and forever-access.

This course is also available as a benefit of Moonshadows Membership.

Vaya Con Dios: Ancestor Elevation 101
One time

Vaya Con Dios teaches the origins and importance of ancestral elevation rites, how to identify when these rites are needed, and with detailed preparation, process, and follow up for completing them.