

The most frequently asked questions I receive are about applying our spiritual practices to our relationship with our children. In this workshop, we dig into the spiritual care and keeping of our children. We discuss spiritual protection, including our children in our practices, and how to be Good Guide to our children's spiritual development.

MOTHERCRAFT is a workshop dedicated to the spiritual care and keeping of our children.

Students can expect to:

  • learn how to build spiritual trust with our children rather than evangelization of our children

  • limpia (spiritual cleansing) techniques for regular cleansing, overstimulation, bad dreams, tough school days, and more

  • techniques for the strengthening of our children’s tonalli or energetic life force

  • techniques for the spiritual protection of our children at home, while they sleep, and while they are away from us

  • kid-friendly spiritual practices that you can do together

Students will will also:

  • participate in a simple restorative guided trance journey that you will be able to facilitate for yourself and your child on your own

  • participate in a reflective and guiding parenting tarot spread, so please bring your favorite deck! (if you don’t have a deck, don’t worry! you will still receive from our group shares as we work through our individual card pulls together)

MOTHERCRAFT is Open to all who identify as parents, caretakers, and guardians of children (not just the mamas).

This is an on-demand class. Your purchase includes the video lecture and supplemental materials.

One time

Mothercraft is a workshop devoted to the spiritual care and keeping of our children. Includes lecture, guided meditation, tarot practicum, and digital worksheet.

✓ learn how to build sincere spiritual trust with our children
✓ limpia techniques for overstimulation, hard days, bad dreams
✓ techniques for strengthening children’s tonalli (lifeforce)
✓ spiritual protection tools & techniques
✓ kid-friendly spiritual practices that you can do together