Hauntings & Exorcisms on Stolen Land

Film, television, and other media have conditioned so many of us to see spirit activity, especially in cases of "haunting" a home or property, as something the living need to assert their dominance over. "This is my house, get out" 

But who's house is it really, in the settler state of America?  

In this class, students learn the different types of hauntings, how to use divination to determine the backstory of the spirits present, and how to perform appropriate spiritual remediation from a decolonial, Espiritismo lens.

Back in January of 2023, I was involved in an interesting convo in Captolia's Coven about how to banish a disruptive spirit.

I was happy and excited to share that context is so important when we approach troublesome spirits. That things are rarely as simple as disruptive spirit = bad = banishment. 

The reasons why spirits behave in certain ways - and how to remediate those behaviors - are nuanced - and that nuance is important when we are seeking to reconcile the disruptive energies.

The starting point for me, as an exorcist, is to always remember that we, in the “United States”, are on stolen land. A nation forged in the fiery furnace of indigenous genocide, built on the backs of enslaved African people. A nation full of settlers and colonists, displaced people, refugees, and asylum seekers. 

The land remembers all of this.

As do the spirits.

Context matters when it comes to how we approach spirits who are troubled, spirits whose behaviors trouble us.

Good exorcism praxis demands that we make our choices in alignment with the land herself, and the history, the memories, the land carries.

It was that conversation that birthed the idea for this special class, Hauntings and Exorcisms on Stolen Land.

Class Syllabus

  • What

    Learn the different types of hauntings that can be experienced, and the different types of spiritual remediations that can be used to bring peace to the space.

  • Why

    Understand why certain spirits and entities may present as turbulent or haunting, and how this effects the type of remediation to move forward with.

  • How

    Learn how to use divination to determine the type of spiritual activity that is present and the appropriate spiritual remediation to resolve the situation.

Hauntings & exorcisms on stolen land

This course is available on demand for immediate viewing and forever-access.

This course is also available as a benefit of Moonshadows Membership.

Hauntings & Exorcisms on Stolen Land
One time

Learn the different types of hauntings, how to use divination to determine the backstory of the spirits present, and how to perform appropriate spiritual remediation from a decolonial, Espiritismo lens.

✓ Video Lecture
✓ Workshop PDF