Ace of Diamonds
Today’s message was channeled from my beloved spirit guide, my Pomba Gira named Ava.
"Ace of Diamonds, 2 of Diamonds, 3 of Hearts
If today you receive an opportunity or invitation that excites you, promises to provide something you need, or feels particularly important,
and you feel compelled to say yes without putting any of what you are ready carrying aside
and likely overwhelmed/exhausted by the thought of accepting this new opportunity before it's even begun (despite it being a “good thing”)
instead of trying to manage it all on your own,
please ask someone to help you.
If you are not sure who to ask, then start by asking your benevolent spirits.
Whatever blessing by way of opportunity that is coming through the Ace is worth pursuing, and you are worthy of receiving the help you need so that you can accomplish what you desire to.
The assistance the spirits cannot provide directly, they will work to bring to you through the realm of the living.
Be kind to yourself, and believe it is possible that people want to love you, want to pour into you.
All my Love,